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Biker Shows Off Awesome New Spin Trick
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Biker Shows Off Awesome New Spin Trick

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Man, a motorcycle trick like this, not to mention his snazzy leather jacket, must get this guy all the chicks.

Uploaded Feb. 22, 2010

By: Chalups

Views: 188,918

Top Rated Comments
Taco_eating_slut says:
Buddy may want to invest more in helmets / riding lessons, and less on Ed Hardy shirts and livestrong bracelets.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 53 1 Comment Rating: 52

Mikhail_Gorbachev says:
 The rice rocket used its genetic analysis software and determined he was not asian, thus, aborting him from the bike
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 43 3 Comment Rating: 40

joejasky says:
well at least this time we just saw dude bust his @ss and not 2 minutes of pre and post fail bullsh1t.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 31 1 Comment Rating: 30

Emiroo says:
 This wasn't funny the first time...back in 1999.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 16 1 Comment Rating: 15

upgrade says:
repost... Break fail
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 9 2 Comment Rating: 7


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