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Chick Tries To Beat Up Boyfriend
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Chick Tries To Beat Up Boyfriend

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Like a lot of girls recently this chick decides to check her boyfriend's cell phone and finds a lot of calls from another girl. Some say if Elin hadn't checked Tiger's cell phone Chris Henry would be alive today.

Uploaded Dec. 23, 2009

By: biocrazy1


Views: 109847

Top Rated Comments
DeathWish808 says:
The video cut off right before I saw her try to beat him up.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 34 1 Comment Rating: 33

evilthings says:
Women's reactions to simple things like this would be the reason why men have a lower life expectancy.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 16 0 Comment Rating: 16

DeathWish808 says:
Anyone else see the part where she tries to beat him up?
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 15 2 Comment Rating: 13

DeathWish808 says:
Was he hurt bad?
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 15 3 Comment Rating: 12

knee_strike says:
LOL! That crazy wench got more than she bargained for. I notice she got pretty quiet once the guy started driving . . .
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 9 1 Comment Rating: 8


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