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Worst Shopping Run Ever
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Worst Shopping Run Ever

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Yes, this guy is unbelievably hammered, but check out the date and time. This happened at 10 in the morning...on a Tuesday.

Uploaded Oct. 14, 2009

By: 0hLawdy


Views: 8553666

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Top Rated Comments
KShorty says:
 This dudes not hammered.. He's just in an epic battle with the invisible man
Rate this comment: Comment Rating: 2
xgimmegimmex says:
Didn't matter how long it was going to take to get up, he was not going to let go of that case of beer!
Rate this comment: Comment Rating: 2
moraldecay says:
I think he's dusted on peacy-p
Rate this comment: Comment Rating: 2
dialated8 says:
 Agreed with checmical theory, could be a few things - muscle relaxants - lots of them, mixed with alcohol, anti-psychs (too high of a dose, extra-pyramidal effects) mixed with booze, or tranquilizers (ketamine) mixed with etoh. Either way, made me laugh.
Rate this comment: Comment Rating: 2
bjake99 says:
Maybe I've seen one too many zombie movies...but doesn't this guy move just like one? He should send this video in to George Romero as a rehearsal.
Rate this comment: Comment Rating: 1

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