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Dude Fails Riding Bike On Treadmill
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Dude Fails Riding Bike On Treadmill

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This kid starts to ride his bike on a treadmill till the front wheel locks up sending him head first over the handlebars and faceplanting onto the floor.

Uploaded Mar. 5, 2010

By: epicfail

Views: 191,500

Top Rated Comments
IwasStriker says:
These are some smart fellers. see all them learning books?
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 24 2 Comment Rating: 22

Sanxuary says:
I wish these guys the best of luck at whatever fast food restaurant is stupid enough to hire them.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 19 0 Comment Rating: 19

upgrade says:
Put your shirt back on and take your bike back outside jackass.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 12 1 Comment Rating: 11

Badhaulerpete says:
 This guy was actually trying too beat the guiness record "most awsome cocain line snort" whixh is currently held by the kid on the swing.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 12 7 Comment Rating: 5


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