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Girl Trips After Wisdom Teeth Removal
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Girl Trips After Wisdom Teeth Removal

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A dentist trip ends with crazy rapping and talk of unicorns. You know what they say: novocaine is a hell of a drug.
Top Rated Comments
Taco_eating_slut says:
I bet she could take it up the pooper pretty easy in that state.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 197 25 Comment Rating: 172

Tom_Foolery12 says:
 I wish she was at the bar saturday night
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 77 6 Comment Rating: 71

Officer_Dooosh says:
she floated away to the island of the aids @ :57
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 51 7 Comment Rating: 44

_N_I_C_K_ says:
I never saw her trip. Her mom wouldn't even let her stand up.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 64 29 Comment Rating: 35

Smokey_Bear says:
This reminded me of my date rape victims... 
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 65 38 Comment Rating: 27


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