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Grandpa Ruins Christmas
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Grandpa Ruins Christmas

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The problem with people like this is you never know what they are really thinking.

Uploaded Dec. 22, 2009

By: xlxcigaroxlx


Views: 213322

Top Rated Comments
Shakespeare says:
 Grandpa is an asshole..
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 66 4 Comment Rating: 62

FREE_pOOtanaBEAST says:
 I really honestly feel bad for the children.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 53 3 Comment Rating: 50

weeg1 says:
 Poor white trash complaining about having no money but he still smokes cigarettes........
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 43 3 Comment Rating: 40

ChrisVoight says:
 That's where you say Shut the F*CK up grandpa, Or I will seriously kick your ass. Is it so hard to have a good time in the year? WOW... I want to smack that guy right in the face.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 35 5 Comment Rating: 30

POE1917 says:
Terrible, if a relative behaved like that in front of my small kids, he´d be finding himself gutted in the sewer.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 21 2 Comment Rating: 19


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