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Motorcycle-Powered Carousel Fail
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Motorcycle-Powered Carousel Fail

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What's wrong with this picture, kids? That's right, they forgot to wear their helmets. Always be safe!
Top Rated Comments
ispewmalarkey says:
THIS is what the homepage videos should be like...funny.
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 99 2 Comment Rating: 97

platniumfairy says:
OMG!! That was so stupid but sooo funny!! LOL!!
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 39 4 Comment Rating: 35

anthony0419 says:
 and thats how you centrifuge a human being live
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 27 0 Comment Rating: 27

Dizzaninator says:
 epic opera!
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 23 2 Comment Rating: 21

viruzgd says:
 OMG The music was just PERFECT for this vid! Halarious!!
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 17 3 Comment Rating: 14


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Motorcycle Powered Carousel Fail |