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Snooki Puncher Brad Ferro Knocked Out
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Snooki Puncher Brad Ferro Knocked Out

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Before he punched Snooki on Jersey Shore, Brad Ferro got his clock cleaned in an amateur cage match. He got 'snookied' before the term was invented.

Uploaded Dec. 22, 2009

By: mrbueller


Views: 181834

Top Rated Comments
paskari says:
0:50 to 0:54 someone came
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 13 0 Comment Rating: 13

MuscleHic says:
A snooki punch is when you get head wearing a snuggie
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 8 1 Comment Rating: 7

JasonBecker says:
 The cumming guy slowly realized the magnitude of the situation...
VIEW REPLIES Rate this comment: 3 0 Comment Rating: 3


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