
Bus Crashes

Bus Crashes

Apr. 9, 2004
A bus dodges a car and then begins to swerve out of control. This movie is of the interior of the bus. Nobody was seriously injured in the accident but it sure is amazing how quickly they got to the right side of th...
Submitted by: Staff
Unbelievable Basketball Shot

Unbelievable Basketball Shot

Apr. 7, 2004
Check out this shot. The guy jumps out of bounds to save the ball throws it back in bounds from behind the basket and scores. Unreal!
Submitted by: Staff
Lifeguard Pees In Pool

Lifeguard Pees In Pool

Apr. 4, 2004
This is hilarious. This will probably be the funniest thing we post this week. Jamie Kennedy fools a bunch of people at a pool...You have got to see this if you havent already.
Submitted by: Staff
Where Not To Store Your CDs

Where Not To Store Your CDs

Apr. 4, 2004
This is a quick lesson on what happens when you stick a CD in a microwave and turn it on. As we all hopefully, know you can not stick metal objects in a microwave but a CD is much more reflective and the results imme...
Submitted by: Staff
Ghetto Air

Ghetto Air

Mar. 26, 2004
This is hilarious. Very well done spoof for an airline commerical. Voice narrative is dead on.
Submitted by: Staff
Police Officer Avoids Near Death Collission

Police Officer Avoids Near Death Collission

Mar. 25, 2004
How everything can change in the blink of an eye. If the cop had pulled this car over just one second sooner he would have been crushed in this high speed collission.
Submitted by: Staff
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